Middle School
Principle Approach® Middle School
Middle School at True Foundation is a crucial turning point for each pupil. This is when the fruit of individual responsibility begins to show forth. The learner takes more ownership of their education. The PA® method places the Bible at the center of learning, allowing the knowledge of God's Word to speak to each subject. The seven founding principles of our nation are studied throughout the different classes, plus other Biblical principles.
"An intelligent heart acquires knowledge, and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge" (Proverbs 18:15).

Middle School Program at a Glance
Who - 6th-8th Grade
When - Monday-Friday 8:30am-3:00 pm
Middle School at True Foundation
In middle school, pupils begin to have a variety of subjects and teachers, all the while needing the stability and structure that provide a foundation to everyday learning experiences. To accommodate this transition, 6th-grade teachers often use similar classroom routines and procedures so that middle school students are not overwhelmed with many, many new practices to learn. They will begin to explore different interests through the introduction of electives such as music and art. The full meaning of education is encompassed both with intellectual learning and the building up of Christian character throughout the middle school years.

How to Apply
Complete the online application, submit your pastor's recommendation
Complete Enrollment Documents/Diagnostic Testing/FACTS account/Apply for Financial Aid
Return all necessary (signed) enrollment documentation with 10% down of the tuition