Learning is not attained by chance, it must be sought for with ardor and diligence.
~Abigail Adams~
We focus on the Intellect and Intelligence of each Child
The common standard of education focuses on the strength of an academic program. To be academic according to Webster's 1828 means, "One who belonged to the school or adhered to the philosophy of Socrates and Plato." As a Christian parent, is this what you are seeking for you child(ren)? First off, this word limits a pupil to a school setting alone. Secondly, it requires an adherence to the worldly philosophy of Socrates and Plato.
We find the words intellectual and intelligent to better describe a Biblical education. Both of these words refer to the power of understanding and reason. These are faculties of the mind that God blesses mankind with to have an understanding of His Word for life application. These words do not limit a student but instead, separates out learning from a worldly philosophy for learning through Biblical reasoning.
"The mind of the intelligent and discerning seeks knowledge and eagerly inquires after it, But the mouth of the [stubborn] fool feeds on foolishness" (Proverbs 15:14).
It is through the power and liberty of the Holy Spirit that each child can reason and understand what they are learning. It no longer is a mechanical duty to adhere to a vain philosophy only in a school setting. All children have intellectual and intelligent potential in the light of these definitions!

Pre- K
During our 2 day program, the primary pupils will learn the foundational skills of math and reading while learning the beginning elements of the "Principle Approach." Scripture and patriotism will be fundamental to their education.
Pupils in our 3 day Kindergarten program will build upon the foundation of Pre-K skills previously attained. History, Geography, Bible, English, and Literature will be added to Reading and Math. Patriotism and Scripture will continue as foundational to their learning.

Elementary School
Elementary grades 1-5 secures the foundation of Principle Approach learning skills in the subjects of History, Geography, English, Literature, Bible, Science, Mathematics, and Music. Homeroom teachers will be the mainstay of their learning experience. Patriotism and Scripture will continue as foundational to their learning.
Middle School
Middle School grades 6-8 will take further steps towards stewarding over their own education by implementing the skills learned in the Principle Approach method. Their school day will consist of a rotation schedule for History, Geography, English, Literature, Bible, Science, and Mathematics, plus various electives. Each student will be subject to a review of their past educational experience and Christian character. Patriotism and Scripture will continue as foundational to their learning.

High School
High School students in grades 9-12 move into a greater level of stewardship over their education. Their school day will consist of a rotation schedule for History, Geography, English, Literature, Bible, Science, Mathematics, plus various electives. They must consent to be educated by the Principle Approach method. Each applying high school student will be subject to a review of their past educational experience and Christian Character.