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Biblical-Classical Education
“...Biblical-classical diverges from the European classical model at the Reformation to flower fully in its American colonial and governmental expression. This stream of classical education would identify its source as Biblical primarily in the Hebrew concepts of knowledge and attitudes towards life in contrast to the Greek and Roman concepts of knowledge and attitudes towards life.”
~Carole G. Adams~
Uniqueness of Biblical-Classical Education
Classical education or Christian-Classical has become a familiar term for education. But what is Biblical-Classical education? Simply put, Biblical-Classical education is built upon the foundation of the Hebraic way of teaching and learning. Whereas, Classical education is based upon the Greco-Roman model of education.
“...The Hebrew view of education is inseparable from the rest of life. Learning constituted the very core of the Hebrew heritage.”
All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works (2 Timothy 3:16-17).
Purpose of Biblical-Classical Education
"The primary purpose of teaching and learning in Bible times was to train the whole person for lifelong, obedient service in the knowledge of God
(Proverbs 1:7)."
"In Hebrew teaching and learning, the law was made sweet to the child and described as "honey" in the Scriptures. Learning was palatable, nourishing and wholesome."
According to Psalm 119:103, "The purpose of instruction was to invite the learner to enjoy the sweetness of studying divine truth."
Goal of Biblical-Classical Education
"The fundamental goal of Jewish parental instruction was to transmit an historical and ethical heritage. The Hebrew and Greek attitudes toward life oppose each other. The object and aim of the Hebrew system is da'ath elohim (the knowledge of God). The object and aim of the Greek system is gnothi seauton (know thyself).
The Hebrew system begins with God as the only true wisdom-man
can never know himself, what he is, and his relation to the world, unless first he learns of God and submits to His will. The Greek system starts from the knowledge of man and seeks to rise to an understanding of the ways and nature of God through the knowledge of what it calls 'man's higher nature.' According to the Bible, man has no higher nature except he be born of the Spirit. The whole Bible is based on the Hebrew attitude and approach."
~Excerpts courtesy of Carole G. Adams ~
Principle Approach Education, Volume XII,
No 1 April 2005
The Framework of Truth
Webster's 1828 Dictionary
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